In life, it is not uncommon to borrow money in order to attain certain assets or to go into debt to pay for unexpected expenses. What happens, though, when someone dies before he or she is able to pay back what was borrowed? In Massachusetts and elsewhere, any unpaid...
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Month: October 2016
Incapacitated adults rely on guardians for a number of things
Those individuals in Massachusetts and elsewhere who are appointed as guardians of adults have a number of responsibilities. After all, incapacitated adults depend on these individuals to make many important medical and personal decisions for them -- among other...
Medicaid look back: 3 FAQs
Medicaid is a federal program designed to cover the costs of medical care once a qualifying individual's funds are depleted. Steps can be taken to proactively plan to qualify for these benefits.Qualifying for Medicaid can be beneficial in a number of situations,...
There is more to estate planning than just a will
Some Massachusetts residents are under the impression that if they have a will, they have done what they can to protect themselves and their families. However, there is more to estate planning than just wills. Other documents are needed to protect people in the event...
A special needs trust can help put parents’ minds at ease
Many Massachusetts parents devote their lives to taking care of their children -- especially children with special needs. These children often require care even after they become adults, and additional estate planning will most likely be required in order to help...