In 2011, Massachusetts changed its probate code. Among many of the changes made, the state began allowing people to create a trust for their pet(s). It can, in fact, also be done for farm animals, such as goats and horses.
Pet owners who wish toset up a trustfor their animal should:
Choose someone they trust to serve as trustee and caretaker. Please make sure you speak with them beforehand to ensure they understand the responsibilities of being a pet trustee and caretaker. This person should be someone you know well. Someone you believe will honor your wishes, as they will have the power to enforce the terms of the trust and manage the money you leave in the trust to care for your animal(s).
You can also divide the tasks of trustee and caretaker and have one person be the trustee, and another be the caretaker. This can make the task more manageable for both people.
Setting up a pet trust can take some time, and you will have to pay administrative costs as well as attorney fees, so make sure you ask yourself these questions before you set up a pet trust:
These questions are supposed to make you consider the intricacies of creating trust in your pet. However, keep going- it is a standard process nowadays, and attorneys can create pet trusts quickly and efficiently if they have the information they need from you.
Thinking about what happens to your pet after you die is an emotional topic. However, it is imperative to make these decisions now rather than later for your pet’s safety.